Maintain a functioning septic system

Turn to us for septic system maintenance in San Antonio, TX

5 G Excavation & Septic provides septic system maintenance to property owners in San Antonio, TX. From new installations to aerobic system repairs, our experts will keep your wastewater treatment running efficiently. New installations will include a free two-year maintenance contract. Starting in the third year, an annual maintenance contract will be applied. This will cover inspections and detailed reports for county compliance.

Call 830-251-1972 now to learn more about our septic system repairs.

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Get started by calling us. Our team will schedule a time to meet with you and discuss your needed aerobic system repairs. Once we understand your concerns, our experts will provide you with an estimate. If you choose to proceed, expect us to order your materials and prepare your work area. Your project will be handled with care and precision. Let us know if you have any questions.

Discover what we can do for you

5 G Excavation & Septic is here to help. Our septic system maintenance covers the following:

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Replacing timers

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Rebuilding aerators

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Replacing floats and fluid pumps

A construction worker is measuring a concrete curb with a tape measure.
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